Student Essentials
Student Services and Resources |
Counseling and Wellness Center
The Counseling and Wellness Center offers free, confidential individual counseling to enrolled students. Services are provided by licensed mental health professionals and supervised graduate-level interns. The counselors help students resolve personal difficulties and acquire skills, abilities, and knowledge that will allow them to take full advantage of their college experience and make effective and satisfying life choices. Visit for more information.
Tutoring Services / Learning Centers
Tutoring Services fosters student success by helping students master the material and concepts taught in the classroom. This is achieved primarily via active tutoring sessions led by professional, peer, and volunteer tutors highly qualified in a wide variety of academic subjects and skills. Supplemental support includes study groups, workshops, study halls, and test preparation. For student convenience, tutors are available in multiple learning centers and other locations (some discipline-specific) at both campuses and online.
Visit for more information including specific locations and schedules.
Computer Labs
MCCC is equipped with nearly 1600 computers for student use in more than 75 labs. Specialized Mac and PC-based labs support the studies of architecture, computer networking, cybersecurity, digital media arts, fashion design, game design, and mathematics.
Libraries at both campuses offer wi-fi access in addition to open computer labs. There, students have Internet access, print capability, and use of the latest Microsoft Office products and curriculum-specific applications. Attendants are available to answer ques tions and assist users. In addition, laptops and iPads can be signed out for in-library use.
The libraries of Mercer County Community College offer a wide array of services and resources to complement and support academic programs and the learning needs of students, faculty, and staff.
A library is located on both the West Windsor and James Kerney campuses as well as at the Dempster Fire Training Center. Additionally, the library maintains a significant online presence through its website ( in support of MercerOnline. Currently enrolled students who choose the convenience of remote access to electronic library holdings and services may select from books, periodicals, images, legal resources, and reports.
Reference services are provided in-person, by telephone, e-mail, chat, and via instant messaging. Information literacy classes provide in-depth instruction on the use of library resources for research and for seeking information for class preparation.
Educational Opportunity Fund
Funded by the state, the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) assists eligible low-income, academically under-prepared New Jersey residents to attend college.
EOF is designed to assist participants in developing attitudes, skills, and abilities that enable them to achieve their educational goals. Students who are accepted into the EOF program are given personal counseling, academic advisement, tutoring, and supplemental instruction. Participants also benefit from cultural/educational enrichment activities, leadership development, tours of four-year colleges, as well as grants to those who qualify.
Military and Veterans Services
The MCCC Military and Veterans Services office assists veterans, military servicemembers, spouses, dependents, and supporters in a wide range of matters: college admissions, class registration, GI Bill® benefits, student advocacy, and more.
Located on the second floor of the West Windsor Campus Student Center, the office also coordinates with outside agencies to provide counseling and help with VA disability claims. A Veterans Lounge located in SC200 offers resources and other amenities for veteran students to relax and socialize.
Career Services
Career Services assists students with their career goals. They can meet with a career counselor to learn about different jobs, select the right major, figure out what they’re good at, and get help with resumes and interviews. The office also conducts workshops for students to learn about various career-related topics.
Among other resources available, Career Services provides a website called Career Coach that helps students assess their skills and plan for their career goals. Job listings include both full- and part-time positions as well as internships, and MCCC students can access postings from local employers and national job boards on College Central Network at
Career Services also invites employers to visit campus, including participation at periodic job fairs where they and MCCC students can all at once meet and discuss opportunities.
Testing Centers
Academic Testing Centers on both campuses provide students, faculty, staff, and the community with examination services. Whether for courses taught on campus or online, instructors utilize these facilities for computer-scored and instructor-graded tests. Students may take tests arranged by their instructors. Admission to the Testing Centers requires a student photo ID, obtained at the Security ID station upon class enrollment.
The Testing Centers administer course placement testing for new students. The West Windsor Campus Testing Center also administers tests for “credit by examination” programs including the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) to earn college credits in a variety of courses. In addition, proctoring is available for distance learning programs nationwide.
Visit for more information, including hours and policies.
Student Housing Opportunity
While attending Mercer County Community College, students can experience campus life and benefit from living at Rider University in Lawrenceville, NJ.
A unique arrangement between the two schools affords Mercer students a wide range of essential student services at Rider including reduced rate housing along with various meal plans, access to college resources and attractions, transportation, healthcare, and more.
For further details visit or email
Center for Accessibility Resources
Mercer County Community College is deeply committed to ensuring student success. The mission of the Center for Accessibility Resources (C.A.R.) is to work collaboratively with faculty and students toward the development of accessible and inclusive learning environments characterized by student engagement foster ing intellectual and personal growth.
The college recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity and the Center works to ensure inclusive learning environments both by encouraging the college community to examine accessibility and through the delivery of effective academic accommodations to qualified individuals.
C.A.R. facilitates the success of students with disabilities by providing intensive support including:
outreach to incoming students prior to admission;
a scheduled comprehensive intake interview;
ongoing advisement and registration assistance;
appropriate academic modifications;
free academic tutoring through the college’s Learning Centers;
development of self-advocacy skills.
Mercer County Community College complies with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 including changes made by the ADA Amendment Act of 2008. For information on Universal Design for Learning, meeting the needs of students with disabilities, or the provision of academic accommodations, please visit
MyMercer Student Portal
Students can browse courses, register for classes, make payments, explore and monitor financial aid, view and print class schedules, grades and transcripts, and take advantage of many additional online services and features once signed in to their individual account at the college’s student portal, MyMercer.
Instructions to determine the username and password required for MyMercer sign-in is available at Students are encouraged to bookmark this MyMercer entry page to stay connected and informed.